Sunday, September 28, 2014

Quiet People as Leaders

I am an introvert. The silence of introverts makes extroverts uneasy.

Being a quiet person, I’m “louder” than most- in my own quiet way I am quite powerful. I know how to stay on target and get the job done.

Some insights about “quiet people:

Talkers think and talk at the same time; quiet people choose their works carefully.
Never assume quiet is weak and loud is strong.
Invite feedback one-on-one, not in a group.
Never assume silence is consent when it comes to quiet people.
Quietness doesn’t equal withdrawal – often it means thinking – and needing more time and info before committing.
Respect their ability to commit – when they’re in they’re in.
Quiet people like to walk and think – this is how Steve Jobs held his one-on-one meetings. While walking, ask them what their thoughts are about…
Let quiet people work alone. Stop demanding group work.

Some words that often describe quiet people (once you get to know them): tough, strong, disciplined, tenacious, smart, and deeply caring.

Timid and quiet are two different things. Timid people don’t like change. They are full of fear.  Whereas great leaders are often quiet, shy, and reserved. They are driven by conviction. They persevere through resistance and achieve their envisioned outcome.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Does George Clooney's future wife have joint hypermobility syndrome?

Does George Clooney’s future wife, Amal Alamuddin, have joint hypermobility syndrome? People with joint hypermobility have an unusually large range of movement in some or all of their joints. 

I usually never comment on celebrities, but this syndrome has come to my attention lately, and then i saw this photo - fascinating.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Quote of the day

"I'm going to make everything around me beautiful -
that will be my life."
Elsie de Wolf

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Intrinsic randomness and other thoughts

Intrinsic randomness means lack of pattern or predictability in events.

I always read that quantum particles exhibit "intrinsic" randomness in the states they take on.

Excerpt from forum:

...cause and effect need the traditional time because x interacts with y and results in z,this is our intuitive perception of time ,since time is largely based on gravity this becomes a problem mainly because quantum mechanic's gravity (and the "some other things") are different from the "traditional" gravity and the "some other things" :p
So I can only guess that dark energy/mater etc that make up of the 90+% of the universe have to do something with this seemingly "true randomness", cause and effect might take form in a different way or have a very different logic... but still some kind of logic (pattern, sequence, structure, even if its too complex to humans to understand), true randomness at least inside of universe seems like science-fiction to me, it will take time to understand it, just as all unexplainable, "random", weird things humanity faced since its dawn.
...if this true randomness was... well, true, couldn't we see it in real life? Nothing so far is random (quantum randomness) in life, I think if it was, nothing would work correctly. We would pick a glass of water and it would turn into a volcano or disappear. But those things never happen shows that the different logic or True randomness doesn't change the "normal" world and it stays inside the atoms,is this correct? 

True randomness is without a cause, so it is not part of our linear "cause and effect" mindset which we believe is the "real" world - a deterministic world. But is it really?

Wish there was more happiness in world... more singing, dancing, making videos that are happy.

Soldiers are people, too - young people and they just want to have fun. Why can't we just live in peace? Israeli male soldiers break out in dance, see Youtube video and video.

And recently, in Iran, these youth are sentenced to 3 to 7 years prison time and 91 lashes in Iran "singing and dancing": "Iranians arrested for making dance video and being happy", see video on Youtube.

US soldiers dancing in Afghanistan: Youtube link.

Command and Control Leadership is Inefficient (and so "old-school"!)

"Leaders with strong social prejudice use command-and-control leadership. Control is more important than getting the job done. Leaders and subordinates spend a great deal of time in the blame game. This kills motivation and increases overhead cost in business. Social prejudice is a barrier to the flow of information."

Command-and-control leadership is the most popular leadership style while being the least efficient. Why it is popular? Because it appeals to man's natural desire for power, control, and influence. It gives leaders a feeling of job security, of being needed and indispensable. It is disliked by people who must follow orders, especially when recipients feel the effects of social prejudice. Conflicts between managers and workers increases overhead cost. Managers spend much of their time finding ways to overcome worker's resistance while workers spend much of their time searching for ways to do less. Worker responsibility is a threat to leaders, because their ideas may be challenged, they may feel they are not in control, and they are uncomfortable with advice from those who they feel are inferior."

The reason command-and-control leadership makes money is because all of their competitors use the same management system. When a competitor empowers its workers, overhead costs come down and the command-and-control company will soon be out of business."

Workers have the same natural desires, "My idea is best and I am in control." When it is the worker's idea and they are responsible, they will make their ideas work. Searching for a better way motivates workers, which makes them efficient. Efficiency is team effort, where everyone from the CEO to the janitor is considered to have valuable information. Team responsibility produces a highly efficient work environment. This environment is free of social prejudice."

"Leaders who are free of social prejudice are willing to use responsibility leadership. Getting the job done is more important than control. Leaders and subordinates work together, searching for a better way. Leaders are free to ask advice from anyone at any level. Asking for advice has a motivating influence by itself."

<Link to website>

The Artistic Learning Personality

"In our society, their interpretation of the world is considered entertainment. In reality, it is a source of information and a form of influence. Because artist have high visibility, their ability to influence society is right after intellectuals. For this reason, they are high on the social ladder."

Artists are experiential and intuitive learners. They search the inter-self for ways to express their ideas. They may or may not have interest in academics. Because they don’t fully embrace academics, they are labeled failures by the intellectual world, unless they are making money."
<read more>

Interestingly, many creative people like myself excel in physics and statistics - because we have an active imagination. But artists take creativity a step further: we product a product. 

Saturday, September 13, 2014


Sometimes I think about how the most ordinary details of my daily life were the greatest dream of my ancestors.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Key to Life

"The key to building a sustainable business, in fact the key to life, is maintaining a consistency between your work and core values. The goal is not to build the best company as measured by others but to do the work that best fits you."
-Warren Buffet

When your trust in your own judgement is complete, you are completely relaxed in the midst of chaos.

Those in a relaxed state will never panic out of positions or chase bubbles. They don’t cave to peer pressure because they don’t have peers. They are better at what they do because they waste no energy on the petty tensions that consume everyone else.

Yelling is so old school

Maniacal micro-managers who scream because it empowers them are not effective communicators and are never going to grow.

There’s really not as much need for yelling since the advent of computer technology, we no longer have to shout orders; there are printers in the office that spew them out. That cuts down on a lot of the noise.

There’s no workplace where you should be allowed to berate your employees. Berating will not motivate them. But you have to find ways to ignite their passion—by teaching rather than screaming. 

I have a kinder, gentler management style than most. I’m comfortable in my skin.
I believe that being fair and respectful is the best strategy for motivating people. Managers have to assume more of a coaching and counseling role.

 There used to be a huge gap in education and knowledge between managers and new hires. Not today. Many new hires are more educated and have better computer skills than the people doing the hiring. These people are not going to take abusive treatment. The first time you scream and yell, they may listen. But keep doing it, and they just tune you out.

Try to involve employees in the development of team goals and work methods. When everyone has a hand in establishing a goal, they work harder to achieve it than any manager could ever force them to work by yelling.

Practice benevolence without despotism. Try to listen more carefully and be sensitive to personal as well as economic needs. There’s that word again: sensitive.

The bottom line is simple: Don’t scream and yell because it does not work, and your employees will leave.

Note to IT: I’ve been told by several people at work that yelling is the way to solve problems. My computer is running slow... Please feel free to stop by and yell at my computer.